Floating Drills to Build Confidence

To build your confidence in the water, practice some basic floating drills. Mastering the art of staying afloat without struggling will make swimming feel effortless.

The Star Float
Lie back in the water with your arms out to your sides, palms facing down, and legs slightly apart. Relax your body and breathe slowly. This open, balanced position allows air in your lungs to keep you buoyant. To get into the star float, hold the edge of the pool for support as you arch your back and straighten your body. Release your grip slowly, keeping your core engaged. If you start to sink, splash your arms and legs gently to rise back up.

The Jellyfish Float
For this relaxing float, extend your arms above your head and let your body drift. Release all tension in your muscles. Breathing calmly, allow the water to support you. The jellyfish float helps you get accustomed to the feeling of floating freely. If you feel unsteady, slowly move your arms in small circles, as if propelling a jellyfish.

The Corkscrew
To practice balance, try the corkscrew float. Extend one arm overhead and the other along your side, palms down. Gently kick one leg so you start slowly spinning. Focus on keeping your body as still as possible while you spin. Engage your core to remain balanced. After a few revolutions, switch arm and leg positions to spin in the opposite direction. The corkscrew helps you get comfortable with the dynamics of floating in three dimensions.
With regular practice of these floating drills in a pool where you feel secure, your aquatic confidence will blossom. You’ll get better at finding your center of buoyancy and realizing how little effort it really takes to float. In no time, you’ll be swimming with a sense of ease and grace, thanks to mastering the basics of effortless floating.