Floating Tips for Effortless Swimming

Boy floating

Do you find yourself struggling in the water? Don’t worry, floating is easier than it looks once you get the hang of it. Read on to learn how to unwind and become one with the water. In just three simple steps, you’ll be floating blissfully and leaving your cares behind. Take a deep breath and dive right in – floating nirvana awaits!

Relax and Let Your Body Be Buoyant
Floating is all about letting go of tension and trusting that your body will stay afloat. The more you relax, the higher you’ll float. Take a few deep breaths to release any tightness. Let your arms drift out to your sides, keep your legs loose and slightly bent, and arch your back slightly.

Proper Body Positioning for Floating
To float like a pro, you’ve got to get your body position right.

Arms at Your Sides
The key is to keep your arms relaxed at your sides, not waving them around. Extend them slightly out from your body, palms down. This opens up your chest and helps you balance, so you’ll stay horizontal without struggling.

Keep Your Ears Submerged
Find the sweet spot where your ears are just below the waterline and face down to float well. 

Legs Loose and Extended
Let your legs relax and extend them straight out behind you. Don’t bend your knees or kick. Loose, extended legs help your lower body stay balanced and aligned with the rest of your body. This streamlined position reduces drag so you’ll float effortlessly.

Use Floatation Devices to Help
Floating is an essential swimming skill, but some people struggle with relaxing enough to stay afloat. If you’re having trouble, don’t worry – there are devices designed specifically to help keep you buoyant so you can focus on proper form and technique.

The key is experimenting to find the position that lets your body rise up and stay buoyant with minimal effort. Every body is different, so be patient and make subtle changes. With regular practice, floating can become second nature. Before you know it, you’ll be drifting peacefully without a care in the world. If you require help, connect with us to find the right swimming class for you!